Embarking on the Purple Finch branding project was a captivating voyage into the world of finance and design. Our primary objective was clear: to craft a visual identity and digital presence that aligns seamlessly with Purple Finch’s vision of becoming the foremost financial consultant for their clients, helping them achieve their financial dreams. Read More
Our journey commenced with a deep exploration of Purple Finch’s core values and aspirations. We recognized the importance of clarity, trustworthiness, and professionalism in the financial industry. These pillars became the foundation of our brand identity, meticulously designed to convey these attributes.
Creating the website was a pivotal part of our strategy. We aimed not just to build a digital platform but a financial hub that empowers clients with knowledge and tools. The website embodies user-friendliness, interactivity, and a wealth of informative resources, ensuring visitors leave with a better understanding of their financial path.
Our efforts didn’t stop at the digital realm. Stepping into the physical space of Purple Finch’s office, we curated an atmosphere that merged their brand values with a welcoming ambiance. This internal office branding serves as a living embodiment of their culture—an environment where collaboration and expertise intersect.
Throughout the journey, we remained committed to delivering not just financial services but custom-tailored financial solutions. Every aspect of our branding reflects this dedication, whether in designing the logo, website, or office space.
As we conclude this transformative branding project, we are excited to see Purple Finch’s vision take flight. Their brand now radiates professionalism, trustworthiness, and an unwavering commitment to guiding clients on their financial journey. Together, we’ve transformed their brand into an emblem of financial empowerment. Purple Finch: Guiding Your Financial Aspirations.